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FactBites Search Engine Lets You Chews

New search engine FactBites is chewing up the competition. FactBites is a refreshing new search engine that is different from all the rest. Do one search and the first thing you’ll notice is no advertising, just results.

The second thing you’ll notice is how the results appear. Generally the results are arranged with title on top and three bullet-pointed sentences underneath. The results are geared toward giving the searcher a real and informative snapshot of what the website is about without having to actually go there. This will save a lot of time as searchers simply need read the summaries to find what they’re looking for and not leave the FactBites site until they’re ready. In addition, at the top of the page, some alternative relevant categories are offered to help refine the search.

According to FactBites, “Ordinary search engines tell you next to nothing about the sites they select for you. How many times have you thought “Well, sure, I know that these pages all contain my keywords, but do they really have anything to do with my topic?” Visiting every site until you find the right one is a hassle. Factbites presents the user with full, meaningful sentences from every site in the search results…Factbites searches for matches on the basis of your whole topic area, not just your keyword. This means that it can return relevant, informative results on your topic that don’t necessarily mention the word you searched for.”

The one big downside right now is that FactBites is somewhat limited in its searching for keyword phrases. In fact of the several phrases I tried to search for I was returned this message, “Remember this is a topic-based search engine. Further, our coverage is limited in this beta version. Please avoid unusual combinations of words.” The good news is though that one word phrases work well. And of course I’m happy since searching for “seo” puts the SEO Firm website in the number 2 position.

All-in-all, if you want, “Just the facts, Ma’am” and no advertising shouting at you from the pages, then you just may be ready to swallow the new FactBites offerings.

About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

