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9 Google patents from 2023 and how they could affect SEO


  1. Dynamic Search Filters:

This patent describes a system that automatically generates search filters based on the content of relevant webpages. Imagine searching for “best laptops for students.” Google might present filters like “budget,” “operating system,” or “screen size,” tailored to student needs. This personalizes the search experience and helps users refine their queries.

SEO implication: Create diverse, informative content catering to various user interests. Anticipate potential search filters and optimize your content accordingly.

  1. Evaluating Search Query Interpretations:

This patent focuses on assessing the accuracy of human interpretations of search queries. Google wants to understand user intent better and deliver more relevant results. For instance, “best restaurants near me” might imply different locations depending on the context.

SEO implication: Consider context and user intent when optimizing your content. Use location-specific keywords and tailor your content to cater to the specific needs behind search queries.

  1. Entity-Aware Search:

This patent delves into delivering search results based on relationships between entities mentioned in a query. Google would be able to grasp complex queries involving multiple entities and their connections. For example, “Einstein’s theory of relativity compared to Newton’s law of gravitation” would trigger results exploring the relationships between these entities.

SEO implication: Structure your content to clarify entity relationships. Use entity recognition tools to identify and optimize for relevant entities within your content.

  1. Personalized Search via User Notebooks:

This patent explores using content from users’ web notebooks to personalize search results. Google might leverage information saved in notebooks to tailor search results to individual users’ interests and saved knowledge.

SEO implication: Focus on creating evergreen content that remains valuable over time and resonates with potential users’ interests. Consider developing content that complements user note-taking habits.

Overall, these patents reveal Google’s focus on:

  • User-centric search: Google prioritizes understanding user intent and delivering personalized experiences.
  • Contextual awareness: Search results will be increasingly contextual, considering location, time, and user behavior.
  • Entity recognition and relationships: Google’s ability to understand and interpret complex relationships between entities will influence search ranking and content relevance.

For SEOs, this translates to:

  • Content diversification and richness: Create content that caters to various search filters, user intents, and entity relationships.
  • Contextual optimization: Consider the context surrounding search queries and optimize your content accordingly.
  • Focus on user needs: Understand your target audience and create content that addresses their specific needs and interests.
  • Embrace NLP and entity recognition: Stay updated on NLP advancements and leverage entity recognition tools to optimize your content for relevant entities and relationships.

By adapting to these evolving search trends, SEOs can ensure their content remains visible and valuable in the ever-changing search landscape.

Remember, this is just a glimpse into the potential implications of these patents. As Google continues to develop and implement these technologies, the SEO landscape will undoubtedly evolve further. Staying informed and adapting your strategies will be crucial for success in the future of search.

  1. Search Result Clustering with User Interaction:

This patent proposes grouping related search results based on user clicks and interactions. Google would analyze user behavior to identify clusters of similar content, potentially influencing how search results are displayed and ranked.

SEO implication: Understand user behavior and tailor your content to address specific needs within potential clusters. Use data analytics to identify user journeys and optimize your content accordingly.

  1. Identifying Clickbait and Low-Quality Content:

This patent describes Google’s efforts to detect and demote clickbait and low-quality content. Google aims to prioritize high-value, informative content that genuinely benefits users.

SEO implication: Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that provides real solutions and information. Avoid clickbait tactics and prioritize user engagement over short-term gains.

  1. Personalizing Search Results based on Implicit Feedback:

This patent explores using implicit user signals, like dwell time and scrolling behavior, to personalize search results. Google would analyze how users interact with content to deliver more relevant experiences.

SEO implication: Analyze user engagement metrics on your website to understand how users interact with your content. Optimize your content structure and presentation to keep users engaged and improve dwell time.

  1. Search Result Diversification for Broad Queries:

This patent focuses on diversifying search results for broad queries to cater to a wider range of user interests. For example, searching for “travel” might present results for different travel styles, destinations, and budgets.

SEO implication: Consider the diverse perspectives and sub-topics within your content, even for broad topics. Use internal linking and category structures to make your content easily discoverable for users with different interests within a broad search theme.

  1. Explainable Search Results:

This patent describes a system that provides users with explanations for why certain search results are ranked higher. This transparency could help users understand the factors influencing search rankings and make more informed decisions.

SEO implication: Focus on optimizing your content for Google’s ranking factors, such as relevance, quality, and user engagement. Monitor your website’s performance and analyze search engine data to understand how your content is perceived by Google’s algorithms.

Remember, these are just potential implications, and the actual impact of these patents on SEO will depend on how Google implements and evolves them over time. However, by understanding the underlying principles and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your content remains visible and valuable in the evolving search landscape.

About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

