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Viagra Spammers Go Soft Over Lawsuits

Technology giant Microsoft and drug company Pfizer have teamed up to sue the pants off international spam rings that send out millions of bogus emails for fake Viagra every day. Attorneys for Pfizer have said that the fake Viagra doesn’t work like the real thing and in some cases can be a real let down or may be dangerous.

Competiton in the erectile dysfunction drugs market has stiffened as only a few major players grab at the majority of marketshare. Companies such as, and have been named in the 17 lawsuits already filed and the judge most likely will be hard on the defendents.

Industry estimates say that one out of four spam emails are for fake Viagra. Up until now, threat of lawsuits have not provided the quality of response that was expected.

At press time, Microsoft did not respond to the irony of a company named “Microsoft” suing a Viagra company.

About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

