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Google Maps Redirect Bug Fixed

Google Bug

From approximately June 8 – 13, 2019 Google Maps had a redirect bug where users who tried to go to a business website was hit with a challenge response.

The notice read: “The previous page is sending you to [the URL you clicked on],” and then adds, “If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page.”

Because of this issue, some local businesses likely experienced a drop in website and walk-in traffic. People who clicked on the website link may have thought that it was unsafe to proceed and simply backed out and went upon their business elsewhere.

Search Engine Land asked the question: “Is this a feature or bug? The big question I have: Is this a feature or a bug? Did Google intentionally make this change or was this change made by mistake? One would have to assume this is a mistake because it does not work this way with other links within the local panel or other search results.”

Google fixed the bug without confirming or denying what had happened.

This is one additional reason why its good for SEO’s and Business owners to visit their Google My Business listing often and test its various components to assure correct functionality.


About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

