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Kinder Gentler Panda to Be Rolled Out Soon

Other the past couple of years many small online businesses have gotten their butts kicked by bigger brands in the Google search results. But, new Panda help is just around the corner.

According to Search Engine Watch, “Google is working on a refresh of Panda, a ‘kinder, softer Panda,’ Google’s Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts announced at SMX last week.

“The goal of the next generation of Panda is to help small businesses that may have been impacted by previous versions of the algorithm that Google has unleashed periodically since the initial launch in February 2011.”

On August 30, 2013 Google began asking for small website owners to take a survey and state why their “best in class” websites weren’t ranking as well as their large brand, off-target competitor. As of this writing, the page is still up, so you can submit your website if you so desire.


About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

